To 2021 ICEPNTV “My Great Stage” Season VIII contestants:
Congratulations to all contestants! Both Preliminary and Final round of scores for all categories released here.
第八季 各项竞赛最终得分和名次排列。 最终得分是由第一轮得分与第二轮得分相加后算出。
Cooking Category: Ranking results from Both Preliminary & Final are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 9403Y 198.27 + 195.40 = 393.67
#2 9582Y 197.40 + 196.15 = 393.55
#3 9481Y 193.93 + 194.70 = 388.63
#4 9562Y 194.87 + 193.50 = 388.37
#5 9623Y 194.27 + 193.10 = 387.37
#6 9864Y 192.67 + 194.00 = 386.67
#7 9486Y 192.67 + 193.90 = 386.57
#8 9415Y 194.47 + 190.50 = 384.97
#9 9518Y 193.53 + 191.40 = 384.93
#10 9478Y 192.00 + 192.80 = 384.80
#11 9872Y 191.20 + 193.20 = 384.40
#12 9808Y 191.93 + 191.60 = 383.50
#13 9798Y 191.87 + 191.30 = 383.17
#14 9868Y 191.47 + 190.90 = 382.37
#15 9491Y 193.20 + 189.00 = 382.20
#16 9131Y 191.67 + 189.70 = 381.37
#17 9485Y 190.67 + 189.30 = 379.97
#18 9590Y 190.40 + 188.50 = 378.90
#19 9333Y 187.33 + 183.60 = 370.93
#20 9132Y 186.87 + 185.20 = 372.07
Original 1st round ranking
#5 9595Y 194.40 + Self-dropped (2nd round)
Please visit for both rounds of videos for Cooking category
Round 1:
Round 2:
Acting Category: Ranking results from Preliminary & Final are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 9623Y 191.42 + 192.00 = 383.42
#2 9713Y 191.33 + 191.75 = 383.08
#3 9582Y 191.17 + 191.25 = 382.42
#4 9563Y 189.33 + 192.83 = 382.16
#5 9296Y 190.21 + 191.84 = 382.05
#6 9868Y 190.83 + 190.92 = 381.75
#7 9422Y 190.08 + 191.58 = 381.66
#8 9316Y 191.00 + 190.33 = 381.33
#9 9392Y 190.92 + 187.79 = 378.71
#10 9424Y 190.75 + 186.92 = 377.67
#11 9487Y 186.25 + 190.50 = 376.75
#12 9204Y 188.08 + 188.63 = 376.71
#13 9297Y 186.21 + 190.42 = 376.63
#14 9872Y 186.83 + 189.42 = 376.25
#15 9333Y 185.67 + 190.38 = 376.05
#16 9710Y 186.83 + 188.17 = 375.00
#17 9266Y 187.67 + 187.08 = 374.75
#18 9808Y 186.59 + 185.75 = 372.34
#19 9864Y 186.83 + 183.00 = 369.83
#20 9212Y 183.83 + 185.71 = 369.54
#21 9590Y 185.17 + 182.75 = 367.92
#22 9491Y 184.42 + 183.42 = 367.84
#23 9393Y 182.17 + 185.17 = 367.34
#24 9798Y 180.17 + 184.59 = 364.76
#25 9486Y 182.54 + 181.67 = 364.21
#26 9180Y 180.17 + 181.83 = 362.00
#27 9202Y 179.67 + 178.75 = 358.42
Original 1st round ranking
#8 9367Y 190.54 + (2nd round dropped out)
#1 9207A 192.66 + 189.00 = 381.66
#2 9579A 190.67 + 190.50 = 381.17
Please visit for Both Rounds of Video highlights for Acting category
Round 1:
MGS S8 First Round Competition – Acting Highlights | ICEPN TV
Round 2:
Commercial Category: Ranking results from Preliminary & Final are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 9563Y 189.17 + 192.83 = 382.00
#2 9403Y 189.17 + 191.17 = 380.34
#3 9582Y 187.33 + 192.50 = 379.83
#4 9316Y 188.50 + 190.50 = 379.00
#5 9713Y 185.50 + 190.83 = 376.33
#6 9872Y 187.17 + 188.67 = 375.84
#7 9177Y 185.33 + 190.50 = 375.83
#8 9424Y 189.33 + 185.67 = 375.00
#9 9471Y 185.50 + 188.50 = 374.00
1111111111111111119623Y 184.83 + 189.17 = 374.00
1111111111111111119710Y 188.33 + 185.67 = 374.00
#12 9422Y 184.67 + 188.83 = 373.50
#13 9320Y 183.50 + 188.17 = 371.67
#14 9864Y 183.83 + 186.73 = 370.56
#15 9868Y 184.50 + 185.67 = 370.17
#16 9486Y 186.67 + 182.50 = 369.17
#17 9595Y 185.83 + 183.33 = 369.16
#18 9808Y 184.50 + 184.50 = 369.00
1111111111111111119212Y 182.17 + 186.83 = 369.00
#20 9225Y 185.67 + 183.17 = 368.84
#21 9273Y 185.00 + 183.75 = 368.75
#22 9415Y 184.00 + 183.67 = 367.67
#23 9321Y 181.83 + 185.67 = 367.50
1111111111111111119333Y 180.00 + 187.50 = 367.50
#25 9518Y 185.33 + 181.67 = 367.00
#26 9311Y 181.67 + 185.00 = 366.67
#27 9478Y 187.00 + 179.33 = 366.33
#28 9798Y 184.17 + 182.00 = 366.17
#29 9201Y 183.33 + 182.67 = 366.00
#30 9485Y 184.00 + 181.67 = 365.67
#31 9491Y 184.50 + 181.00 = 365.50
#32 9590Y 182.33 + 182.63 = 364.96
#33 9309Y 181.50 + 183.00 = 364.50
#34 9202Y 182.33 + 180.50 = 362.83
#1 9579A 187.67 + 184.50 = 372.17
Please visit for both round of videos for Commercial category
Round 1:
Round 2:
On-Camera Host category: Ranking results from Preliminary & Final are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 9392Y 197.50 + 195.83 = 393.33
#2 9713Y 195.09 + 197.17 = 392.26
#3 9595Y 195.92 + 195.83 = 391.75
#4 9228Y 195.67 + 194.00 = 389.67
#5 9471Y 193.42 + 194.67 = 388.09
#6 9623Y 194.00 + 193.67 = 387.67
#7 9319Y 192.50 + 194.67 = 387.17
#8 9864Y 194.34 + 192.00 = 386.34
#9 9868Y 194.17 + 191.17 = 385.34
#10 9563Y 190.84 + 194.17 = 385.01
#11 9481Y 193.00 + 192.00 = 385.00
1111111111111111119188Y 193.00 + 192.00 = 385.00
#13 9320Y 192.67 + 191.17 = 383.84
#14 9582Y 192.10 + 191.50 = 383.60
#15 9872Y 191.54 + 191.84 = 383.38
#16 9297Y 193.09 + 189.33 = 382.42
1111111111111111119808Y 192.25 + 190.17 = 382.42
#18 9562Y 189.17 + 192.50 = 381.67
#19 9274Y 190.67 + 190.34 = 381.01
#20 9518Y 189.17 + 189.67 = 378.84
#21 9478Y 191.59 + 187.00 = 378.59
#22 9710Y 193.09 + 184.83 = 377.92
#23 9176Y 190.00 + 187.00 = 377.00
#24 9798Y 188.50 + 187.00 = 375.50
#25 9590Y 190.67 + 184.50 = 375.17
Please visit for both round of videos for On-Camera Host category
Round 1:
Round 2:
Instrument category: Ranking results from Preliminary & Final are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 9175Y 193.17 + 196.34 = 389.51
#2 9319Y 190.84 + 192.84 = 383.68
#3 9422Y 190.42 + 192.92 = 383.34
#4 9204Y 191.92 + 191.00 = 382.92
#5 9321Y 191.33 + 190.17 = 381.50
#6 9872Y 192.09 + 189.17 = 381.26
#7 9311Y 190.42 + 189.84 = 380.26
#8 9868Y 189.08 + 190.67 = 379.75
#9 9579A 187.92 + 191.25 = 379.17
#10 9393Y 188.67 + 189.92 = 378.59
#11 9713Y 189.17 + 188.33 = 377.50
#12 9710Y 182.34 + 193.09 = 375.43
#13 9562Y 187.33 + 188.08 = 375.41
#14 9864Y 187.75 + 187.59 = 375.34
#15 9309Y 187.50 + 187.08 = 374.58
#16 9808Y 186.33 + 186.25 = 372.58
#17 9274Y 184.83 + 187.34 = 372.17
#18 9106Y 182.92 + 187.92 = 370.84
#19 9798Y 182.50 + 185.75 = 368.25
#20 9273Y 182.00 + 185.83 = 367.83
Original 1st round ranking
#1 9129Y 193.83 + self-dropped (2nd Round)
#6 9170Y 190.92 + self-dropped (2nd Round)
#16 9485Y 187.34 + self-dropped (2nd Round)
#19 9367Y 185.58 + self-dropped (2nd Round)
Please visit for both round of videos for Instrument category
Round 1:
Round 2:
Character Audition Category: Ranking results from Preliminary & Final are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the mx)
#1 9623Y 194.33 + 195.00 = 389.33
#2 9713Y 194.67 + 194.50 = 389.17
#3 9471Y 193.33 + 195.67 = 389.00
#4 9481Y 192.83 + 194.50 = 387.33
#5 9487Y 192.67 + 194.50 = 387.17
#6 9319Y 193.84 + 193.00 = 386.84
#7 9316Y 194.17 + 192.50 = 386.67
1111111111111111119403Y 194.00 + 192.67 = 386.67
#9 9225Y 192.17 + 194.34 = 386.51
#10 9217Y 192.67 + 193.34 = 386.01
#11 9868Y 191.67 + 193.00 = 384.67
#12 9710Y 192.17 + 192.34 = 384.51
#13 9422Y 191.42 + 193.00 = 384.42
#14 9563Y 192.67 + 191.50 = 384.17
#15 9579A 192.34 + 191.50 = 383.84
#16 9582Y 190.84 + 192.84 = 383.68
#17 9590Y 188.17 + 195.33 = 383.50
#18 9424Y 192.67 + 190.67 = 383.34
#19 9798Y 191.00 + 192.17 = 383.17
#20 9872Y 191.00 + 191.84 = 382.84
#21 9518Y 191.00 + 191.33 = 382.33
#22 9311Y 189.84 + 191.84 = 381.68
#23 9808Y 190.17 + 191.50 = 381.67
#24 9864Y 191.00 + 190.17 = 381.17
#25 9320Y 189.17 + 191.33 = 380.50
#26 9415Y 188.00 + 191.67 = 379.67
Original 1st round
#1 9367Y 195.00 + Self dropped (2nd round)
Please visit for both round of videos for Character Audition category
Round 1:
Round 2:
Singing Category: Ranking results from Preliminary and Final are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 9403Y 195.34 + 197.08 = 392.42
#2 9481Y 195.25 + 195.84 = 391.09
#3 9105Y 194.42 + 195.25 = 389.67
#4 9471Y 194.08 + 195.42 = 389.50
#5 9296Y 194.42 + 194.67 = 389.09
#6 9114Y 193.00 + 195.92 = 388.92
#7 9199Y 193.50 + 195.25 = 388.75
#8 9126Y 193.83 + 194.42 = 388.25
#9 9130Y 193.42 + 194.42 = 387.84
1111111111111111119266Y 192.59 + 195.25 = 387.84
#11 9228Y 194.08 + 193.67 = 387.75
#12 9710Y 194.08 + 190.67 = 384.75
#13 9392Y 193.50 + 191.92 = 385.42
#14 9595Y 191.42 + 193.83 = 385.25
1111111111111111119134Y 190.75 + 194.50 = 385.25
#16 9135Y 191.58 + 192.83 = 384.41
#17 9393Y 191.58 + 191.83 = 383.41
#18 9868Y 188.84 + 194.17 = 383.01
#19 9424Y 191.33 + 191.09 = 382.42
#20 9184Y 188.67 + 190.42 = 379.09
#21 9478Y 186.92 + 190.67 = 377.59
#22 9872Y 184.00 + 192.67 = 376.67
#23 9864Y 185.17 + 191.25 = 376.42
#24 9713Y 188.42 + 184.50 = 372.92
#25 9487Y 183.34 + 189.25 = 372.59
#26 9808Y 187.08 + 183.42 = 370.50
#27 9415Y 183.33 + 187.05 = 370.38
#28 9491Y 181.17 + 186.25 = 367.42
#29 9562Y 180.25 + 185.67 = 365.92
#30 9321Y 182.00 + 182.92 = 364.92
#1 9194A 194.08 + 195.17 = 389.25
#2 9127A 191.83 + 195.50 = 387.33
#3 9207A 190.50 + 189.75 = 380.25
#4 9579A 181.09 + 183.58 = 364.67
Please visit for both rounds of videos for Singing category
Round 1:
Round 2:
Presentation Category: Ranking results from Preliminary & Final are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 9713Y 195.45 + 197.50 = 392.95
#2 9595Y 195.15 + 195.50 = 390.65
#3 9864Y 194.60 + 193.30 = 387.90
#4 9201Y 193.60 + 194.08 = 387.68
#5 9563Y 193.70 + 193.20 = 386.90
#6 9710Y 193.10 + 191.70 = 384.80
#7 9623Y 194.55 + 190.20 = 384.75
#8 9309Y 192.30 + 192.10 = 384.40
#9 9485Y 191.40 + 192.50 = 383.90
#10 9808Y 193.05 + 190.50 = 383.55
1111111111111111119217Y 193.55 + 189.70 = 383.55
#12 9562Y 192.10 + 190.90 = 383.00 9486Y 190.90 + 192.10 = 383.00
#14 9868Y 193.45 + 189.00 = 382.45
#15 9872Y 191.30 + 191.00 = 382.30
#16 9518Y 192.25 + 189.60 = 381.85
#17 9798Y 190.60 + 189.50 = 380.10
Please visit for both rounds of videos for Presentation category
Round 1:
Round 2:
Multi-Category (全能才艺)
Ranking: Contestant ID# Talent Average Score + Category Bonus + Event Bonus
#1 9868Y 381.19 + 210 + 160 = 751.19
#2 9872Y 380.37 + 210 + 160 = 750.37
#3 9864Y 379.28 + 210 + 160 = 749.28
#4 9713Y 383.46 + 180 + 160 = 723.46
#5 9403Y 388.28 + 120 + 160 = 668.28
#6 9808Y 376.95 + 210 + 80 = 666.95
#7 9710Y 379.49 + 180 + 100 = 659.49
#8 9471Y 385.15 + 90 + 160 = 635.15
#9 9481Y 388.01 + 90 + 140 = 618.01
#10 9798Y 374.45 + 180 + 60 = 614.45
#11 9582Y 384.62 + 120 + 100 = 604.62
#12 9316Y 382.33 + 60 + 160 = 602.33
#13 9518Y 378.99 + 120 + 100 = 598.99
#14 9562Y 378.87 + 120 + 100 =598.87
#15 9579A 376.20 + 120 + 100 = 596.20
#16 9415Y 375.67 + 90 + 120 = 585.67
#17 9563Y 384.05 + 120 + 80 = 584.05
#18 9491Y 370.74 + 90 + 120 = 580.74
#19 9623Y 384.42 + 150 + 40 = 574.42
#20 9266Y 381.30 + 30 + 160 = 571.30
#21 9595Y 346.24 + 120 + 100 = 566.24
#22 9392Y 385.82 + 60 + 120 = 565.82
#23 9422Y 380.73 + 120 + 60 = 560.73
#24 9424Y 379.61 + 90 + 80 = 549.61
#25 9590Y 374.09 + 120 + 40 = 534.09
#26 9478Y 376.83 + 90 + 60 = 526.83
#27 9320Y 378.67 + 60 + 80 = 518.67
#28 9393Y 376.45 + 60 + 80 = 516.45
#29 9309Y 374.49 + 60 + 80 = 514.49
#30 9297Y 379.53 + 30 + 100 = 509.53
#31 9486Y 375.74 + 90 + 40 = 505.74
#32 9207A 380.96 + 30 + 80 = 490.96
#33 9319Y 385.90 + 60 + 40 = 485.90
#34 9487Y 378.84 + 60 + 40 = 478.84
#35 9296Y 385.57 + 30 + 60 = 475.57
#36 9333Y 371.49 + 60 + 40 = 471.49
#37 9204Y 379.82 + 30 + 60 = 469.82
#38 9321Y 371.31 + 60 + 20 = 451.31
#39 9202Y 360.63 + 30 + 60 = 450.63
#40 9201Y 376.84 + 30 + 40 = 446.84
#41 9485Y 329.22 + 90 + 20 = 439.22
#42 9311Y 376.20 + 60 = 436.20
#43 9274Y 376.59 + 30 + 20 = 426.59
#44 9228Y 388.71 + 30 = 418.71
#45 9273Y 368.29 + 30 + 20 = 418.29
#46 9217Y 384.78 + 30 = 414.78
#47 9225Y 377.68 + 30 = 407.68
#48 9367Y 190.37 + 60 + 40 = 290.37
Stay Tuned for Season 8 Award Winner Announcement Soon!
敬请关注 “我的大舞台”第8季才艺比赛各个项目的获奖名单公布。