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HomeProgramsMy Great Stage北美新天地电视“我的大舞台”第八季报名注册开始


各位参赛选手, 北美新天地电视公司(ICEPN TV)“我的大舞台”第八季2021-2022才艺竞赛和表演活动已经拉开帷幕。承蒙社区朋友的关心, 各界商家的大力支持, 以及选手们的踊跃参加, 以前的七届大赛都取得了极大的成功。一大批优秀的才艺精英走出了“我的大舞台”, 走上社区大舞台, 走向国际大舞台。通过这个特殊的才艺拓展平台, 选手们在艺术表演和品德诸方面取得了长足的进步, 通过才艺竞赛和舞台表演的磨练, 取得了一个又一个的荣誉, 越来越多的才艺精英活跃在美东地区的各个舞台上。”我的大舞台”经历了2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020七个赛季, 迎来了2021-2022的第8个赛季。

Dear contestants and friends,

ICEPN TV’s Season 8 “My Great Stage” Talent Competition has officially kicked off. Thanks to the care from community friends, business strong support, and the active contestants, the previous Seven Seasons have achieved with great success. A great number of outstanding talents have developed with their comfort zone and stepped out from “My Great Stage” talent platforms, community stages, some have dived into mainstream circles, and some have gone to the International or the entertainment stages. Through this special talent development platform, contestants have made great progress in artistic performance, integrity, and morality. Hone through the talent competition and related training programs, they have won one honor after another. More and more talented have become continually active artist. “My Great Stage” has had seven seasons starting from years of 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 and ushered into the eighth season of 2021-2022.

第八季比前7季有许多的重要改变和新的特色。第一:将比赛和活动的时间扩展到一整年, 即12个月份, 比赛, 演出, 社区服务和专业技术培训有机结合; 第二:是为参赛选手提供专业出路和报考全美竞争学校打基础; 第三:是融入专业才艺和个性培养为主的各类培训计划。第四: 增加 “才艺积点分数” Talent-Point (TP) 以此鼓励选手努力练习, 争取好的名次, 参加更多相关的培训。第五: 增加角色试镜项目, 主题演示代替舞台表演, 总共为8个比赛项目。

Season 8 has more changes by adding new features. One: Competition time extends to one year period with 12-month. Competitions, performances for “Talent for Community” and skilled training programs are organically combined. Second: Set a professional path for contestants with a road map and lay the foundation ready for regional or national competitive school application. Third: It incorporates a series of talent and individual professional and personality training programs. Fourth: Adding “Talent-Point (TP)” is to encourage contestants to practice hard,to strive for a better result, and to participate in more specific training. “Talent-Point” accumulation can be obtained from the competitions, event performances, participations in many other activities. It can be accumulated and redeemed with ICEPNTV various related training programs.Fifth: Adding the Character audition category: Focusing on character presentation instead of stage performance and thus it makes a total of eight competition categories.

“我的大舞台”2021-2022第八季的才艺竞赛和表演节活动将从2021年3月开始至2022年3月结束, 整个季节将持续一年。第八季 “我的大舞台”会有进行多方面的更新和变化, 将更加注重和磨练参赛选手的个性培养和改进。

“My Great Stage” 2021-2022 Talent Competition and performances will begin in March 2021 and end in late March 2022. The whole season will last for one year. “My Great Stage” Season 8 will undergo some updates and changes, and will pay more attention to personalized training, hone contestants with personality development and improvement.

(1) 2021第八季 “我的大舞台”-三个部分组成:
Season 8 consists of three areas:
1.            才艺大赛–Talent Competition
2.            才艺为社区演出活动, 全年有8个专题节目 (8 events of Talents for Community)
3.            专业才艺技能的全年培训活动, 共有8个板块组成 (Pro Training Session with 8 Blocks)

2021第八届 “我的大舞台”-才艺大赛的比赛项目共8项, 这8项是:
“My Great Stage” Season 8 has 8 categories. They are as follows:
Singing歌唱(Code: Singing);Acting演技(Code: Acting);Commercial广告表演(Code:Commercial);Instrument器乐(Code: Instrument);Presentation 主题演示(Code: Presentation);On-Camera Host电视主持; Cooking烹饪(Code: Cooking); Character Audition角色试镜(Code: Audition).

Changes from previous categories:

A:            Presentation Category 主题演示代替原来的Stage项目
Replace previous “Stage” category.

B:            并增加角色试镜项目 (Character Audition):
Adding “Character Audition”category.

(2) 2021才艺比赛将分两个部分进行: 第一部分就是常规的才艺比赛, 由两轮组成。即预赛(1st  round,Preliminary)和决赛(2nd Round, Final),两轮必须都要参加, 没有淘汰。第二部分是试镜挑战比赛(Audition Challenge),通过比赛可以拿到评委和经纪公司的面试和考评许可。

Season 8 is consisted of 2 major areas:

Part 1:  Preliminary and Final rounds

The Talent competitions will be divided into two rounds as previous seasons: First round              is preliminary, and 2nd round is the final. Both rounds have no eliminations.

Part 2: The Audition Challenge:

Through the competition, contestants shall be eligible to have an opportunity for interview or direct evaluation comments from judges or agents that are working in the professional field.

(3) 为了鼓励选手参加更多的项目竞赛, 参与更广泛的演出活动, 展示自己的才艺,第八季除了评比各个比赛项目的单项奖和综合才艺排名之外, 还增加 “才艺积点分数”(Talent-Point (TP). “才艺积点分数” 可以从比赛, 演出, 参加各项活动中获取, 可以累积并与主办方兑换, 应用到主办方各项平行的专业培训活动中以获得优惠。请参见报名表附件部分.

To encourage contestants to sign up more competitions, to participate in a wider range of event performances, and to demonstrate their talents in many respects; In addition to evaluating the individual awards and talent rankings of various competitions overall,Season 8 also adds a new feature (“Talent-Point) to accumulate points. “Talent-Point” can be obtained from the competitions, event performances, participation in the other activities. This “Talent Point” (TP) can be accumulable and redeemable with ICEPNTV Block training programs. Please refer to the attachment sections from Season 8 application form.

(4) 几个重要的日期:  Several important dates:
[1] 报名3月20号正式开始Enrollment starts fromMarch 20th till Oct 31st, 2021.DEADLINE: Oct 31, 2021

[2] 初赛早期季节递交截止日:
(Preliminary round is to be submitted via video submissions with 7 categories in the following dates)

夏季  -2021年6月20日和 秋季2021年9月20日,最后递交截止日是: 2021年11月30日 (7个项目)

Summer: June 20thand or Fall Sept 20th, 2021. The final deadline for submission is Nov 30th, 2021 with 7 Categories.

[3] 决赛早期季节递交截止日:

(Final round is to be submitted via video submissions with 7 categories in the following dates)

秋季  -2021年10月20日和 冬季2021年12月20日,最后递交截止日是: 2022年1月31日 (7个项目)

Fall: Oct 20th, and or Winter Dec 20th, 2021. The final deadline for submission is Jan 31st, 2022 with 7 categories).

[4] 角色试镜项目的初赛和决赛是通过视频实时进行, 时间将会临时通知。 Preliminary and Final rounds for “Character Audition”will be conducted via ZOOM. Date is TBD.

(5) 联系我们:
北美新天地电视–ICEPN TV
Mailing address:               ICEPN P.O. Box 45, Edison, NJ 08818
Tel: 732 508-3233              E-mail:Events@icepn.com

北美新天地电视“我的大舞台”第八季报名须知下载: 北美新天地电视 2021第八届报名须知

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