“My Great Stage” Season VI Final Award List
To 2019 ICEPN TV “My Great Stage” Season VI contestants:
Congratulations to all contestants! Both Youth and Adult groups did fantastic jobs! Here is the Final Award List on each competition category of season 6.
Stage – Mix:
Nomination (4):
7175(A), 7459, 7656, 7650
Trophy Prize C-ID#
Gold 7459
Gold (Adult) 7175(A)
Silver 7656
Bronze 7650
Nomination (8)
7394, 7105, 7669, 7666, 7106, 7104, 7763, 7589
Trophy Prize C-ID#
Gold 7106
Silver 7669
Bronze 7105 7104 7589
Honorable Mention 7666 7763 7394
Nomination (12)
7666, 7763, 7650, 7297, 7353, 7554, 7672, 7267, 7488, 7464(A), 7651, 7362
Trophy Prize C-ID#
Gold 7672
Gold(Adult) 7464(A)
Silver 7353 7554
Bronze 7650 7297 7267 7666
Honorable Mention 7763 7362 7651 7488
Nomination (15)
7267, 7201, 7464(A), 7177, 7554, 7362, 7298, 7763, 7165, 7666, 7656, 7199, 7380, 7103, 7192
Trophy Prize C-ID#
Gold 7103
Gold(Adult) 7464(A)
Silver 7192 7380 7656
Bronze 7165 7298 7267 7201 7177
Honorable Mention 7763 7554 7362 7666 7199
Nomination (10)
7353, 7650, 7656, 7554, 7666, 7669, 7560, 7763, 7672, 7357
Trophy Prize C-ID#
Gold 7672
Silver 7560 7763
Bronze 7357 7353 7650
Honorable Mention 7666 7656 7554 7669
Nomination (17)
7669, 7666, 7650, 7589, 7668, 7291, 7297, 7361, 7373, 7656, 7560, 7357, 7554, 7464(A), 7672, 7763, 7380
Trophy Prize C-ID#
Gold 7672
Gold (Adult) 7464(A)
Silver 7763 7554 7560
Bronze 7373 7668 7650 7669 7666
Honorable Mention 7589 7291 7656 7297 7361 7357 7380
Nomination (16)
7560, 7278, 7488, 7459, 7357, 7353, 7763, 7252(A), 7362, 7196, 7179(A), 7155, 7672, 7361, 7274, 7171
Trophy Prize C-ID#
Platinum 7274
Gold 7171 7672
Gold (Adult) 7179(A)
Silver 7155 7362 7763
Silver (Adult) 7252(A)
Bronze 7488 7560 7278 7459
Honorable Mention 7357 7353 7196 7361
Nomination (17)
7291, 7650, 7554, 7666, 7459, 7464(A), 7763, 7668, 7278, 7656, 7589, 7669, 7488, 7258, 7276, 7672, 7560
Trophy Prize C-ID# Gold 7672
Gold (Adult) 7464(A)
Silver 7560 7278 7763
Bronze 7459 7554 7291 7650 7666 7668
Honorable Mention 7656 7488 7589 7669 7258 7276
Nomination (23)
7589, 7560, 7554, 7488, 7672, 7464(A), 7353, 7357, 7651, 7459, 7669, 7362, 7380, 7381, 7278, 7267, 7361, 7291, 7650, 7656, 7668, 7763, 7666
Nomination & Trophy Prize C-ID#
Gold 7763 7650
Gold (adult) 7464(A)
Silver 7656 7666 7669 7651
Bronze 7672 7554 7589 7560 7488 7459 7353 7357
Honorable Mention 7362 7668 7361 7380 7381 7278 7267 7291
Special Award
Nomination (6)
7190, 7651, 7298, 7282, 7283, 7381
Season 6 Impression Trophy (印象奖) 7190
Season 6 Style Trophy (风采奖) 7298 7651
Season 6 Courageous Trophy (勇敢奖) 7381 7282 7283