“My Great Stage” Season VI Preliminary Round Final Scores
To 2019 ICEPN TV “My Great Stage” Season VI contestants:
Congratulations to all contestants! The Preliminary competition results from Dec 15th to Dec 21st, 2019, released here from 7 categories: Stage-Dance/Mix, Cooking, Instrument, On-Camera Host, Commercial-Model, Acting and Singing
Stage Category: Current ranking results from Preliminary are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (200 is the max)
#1 7459 194.84
#2 7175(A) 192.17
#3 7650/7656 189.00
#5 7668 187.17
#1 7106 191.33
#2 7107 187.11
#3 7589 184.11
#4 7763 183.89
#5 7105 183.45
#6 7104 183.33
#7 7669 182.00
#8 7666 181.00
#9 7394 180.45
#10 7651 180.33
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for all Preliminary videos for Stage category
Cooking Category: Current ranking results from Preliminary are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (200 is the max)
#1 7672 195.20
#2 7353 190.15
#3 7650 189.45
#4 7666 188.60
#5 7668 188.30
#6 7267 187.55
#7 7488 187.40
#8 7464(A) 186.65
#9 7554 186.25
#10 7297 186.20
#11 7763 186.15
#12 7298 185.65
#13 7362 185.50
#14 7651 185.05
#15 7669 184.95
#16 7270 183.80
#17 7656 181.70
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for all Preliminary videos for Cooking category
Instrument category: Current ranking results from Preliminary are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (200 is the max)
#1 7103 195.33
#2 7192 194.17
#3 7380 193.17
#4 7656 192.50
#5 7373 192.34
#6 7165 191.50
#7 7267 191.17
#8 7298 190.92
#9 7201 190.25
#10 7464(A) 189.59
#11 7763 189.50
#12 7177 189.25
#13 7102 189.17
#14 7362 188.92
#15 7650/7295 188.67
#17 7589 188.58
#18 7199 188.08
#19 7554 187.83
#20 7651 187.42
#21 7258 187.00
#22 7669 186.67
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for all Preliminary videos for Instrument category
On-Camera Host category: Current ranking results from Preliminary are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (200 is the max)
#1 7672 194.67
#2 7763/7357 194.17
#4 7666 193.83
#5 7560/7650 193.34
#7 7554 193.00
#8 7353 192.84
#9 7656 192.50
#10 7669 190.83
#11 7488/7668 190.00
#13 7651 188.17
#14 7361 188.00
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for all Preliminary videos for On-Camera Host category
Commercial-Model Category: Current ranking results from Preliminary are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (200 is the max)
#1 7763 193.39
#2 7672 192.08
#3 7668 191.60
#4 7554 191.24
#5 7560 190.79
#6 7650 189.98
#7 7373 189.90
#8 7669 189.35
#9 7589 189.20
#10 7361 188.65
#11 7656 188.33
#12 7297 188.20
#13 7291 187.70
#14 7666 187.63
#15 7651 186.93
#16 7357 186.83
#17 7464(A) 186.58
#18 7380 185.38
#19 7276 184.18
#20 7381 183.40
#21 7394 182.88
#22 7252(A) 181.23
#23 7283 180.88
#24 7282 179.93
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for all Preliminary videos for Commercial-Model category
Preliminary Commercial-Model Competition
Singing Category: Current ranking results from Preliminary are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (200 is the max)
#1 7274 196.17
#2 7763 195.58
#3 7672 195.50
#4 7171 195.42
#5 7155 194.59
#6 7488 193.75
#7 7179(A) 192.75
#8 7278 192.50
#9 7362 191.67
#10 7353/7560 191.50
#12 7459 191.17
#13 7357 189.00
#14 7252 188.58
#15 7589 187.75
#16 7196 187.58
#17 7361 186.50
#18 7193 185.58
#19 7373 184.08
#20 7184 182.08
#21 7185 180.34
#22 7190 180.33
#23 7187/7295 178.25
#25 7381 176.25
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for all Preliminary videos for Singing category
Preliminary Singing Competition
Acting Category: Current ranking results from Preliminary are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (200 is the max)
#1 7672 194.46
#2 7459 194.33
#3 7560 194.00
#4 7278/7763 190.79
#6 7650 190.50
#7 7554 190.25
#8 7291 189.71
#9 7669 187.96
#10 7464(A) 186.88
#11 7668 186.54
#12 7656 186.04
#13 7666 185.83
#14 7201 183.17
#15 7589 183.00
#16 7276 182.96
#17 7488 182.92
#18 7651 182.46
#19 7380 182.25
#20 7258 181.75
#21 7381 179.71
#22 7282 179.42
#23 7270 178.83
#24 7283 178.00