“My Great Stage” Season V Final Scores and Ranking
To 2018 ICEPN TV “My Great Stage” Season V contestants:
Congratulations to all contestants! Both Youth and Adult groups did fantastic jobs!
The Final scores combined from Preliminary and Final round of competition results from Dec 16th, 2018 to Jan, 19th 2019 released here from 9 categories: Cooking, Story-Telling, Stage, On-Camera Host, Dancing, Model, Singing, Instrument and Acting. Enjoy and Congratulations once again!
#1 Cooking Category: Final ranking results from two rounds are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 500867 196.05 +197.95=394.00
#2 500838 197.80+194.65=392.45
#3 500906(A) 195.00+197.40=392.40
#4 500860 197.00+193.55=390.55
#5 500888(A) 195.40+191.90=387.30
#6 500870 191.20+191.30=382.50
#7 500835 188.30+190.35=378.65
#8 500853 186.95+185.15=372.10
#9 500866 180.50+185.85=366.35
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for all final round of videos for Cooking category
#2 Model category: Final ranking results from two rounds are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 500838 193.77+196.67=390.44
#2 500842 193.50+194.00=387.50
#3 500896 194.83+192.50=387.33
#4 500895 193.93+191.67=385.60
#5 500891 192.33+190.33=382.66
#6 500867 190.63+189.83=380.46
#7 500860 191.10+188.50=379.60
#8 500853 188.83+187.33=376.16
#9 500835 187.17+188.00=375.17
#10 500870 187.33+187.67=375.00
#11 500877 186.40+186.50=372.90
#12 500866 185.50+186.67=372.17
#13 500863 185.05+186.83=371.88
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for final round of the video for Model category
#3 Stage category: Final ranking results from two rounds are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 500886 196.83+197.00=393.83
#2 500893 196.00+195.17=391.17
#3 500246 195.00+195.33=390.33
#4 500867 193.50+196.17=389.67
#5 500850 194.50+194.17=388.67
#6 500853 191.67+193.34=385.01
#7 500838 191.67+193.17=384.84
#8 500835 189.17+190.67=379.84
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for Stage Category Final round of the highlight video
Video Link: Pending
#4 Dance Category: Final ranking results from two rounds are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 500263 197.25+197.75=395.00
#2 500883 195.67+193.58=389.25
#3 500260 193.59+191.59=385.18
#4 500858 192.17+192.84=385.01
#5 500865 193.25+189.67=382.92
#6 500258 190.00+191.00=381.00
#7 500873 190.08+188.92=379.00
#8 500240(A) 189.42+187.75=377.17
#9 500838 187.83+189.00=376.83
#10 500848 187.75+187.92=375.67
#11 500256 188.42+185.59=374.01
#12 500265 185.58+185.58=371.16
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for final round of the videos for Dancing category
#5 Story-Telling category: Final ranking results from two rounds are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 500838 193.10+194.50=387.60
#2 500862 193.40+193.30=386.70
#3 500910 194.50+191.60=386.10
#4 500860 192.20+192.40=384.60
#5 500853 192.20+191.60=383.80
#6 500835 191.90+191.30=383.20
#7 500888(A) 190.80+191.40=382.20
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for final round of the video for Story-Telling category
#6 Instrument category: Final ranking results from two rounds are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 500242 195.17+195.34=390.51
#2 500904 194.25+195.75=390.00
#3 500838 193.25+193.83=387.08
#4 500895 192.17+194.50=386.67
#4 500890 191.17+195.50=386.67
#6 500261 191.59+194.92=386.51
#7 500845 191.17+195.17=386.34
#8 500252 191.67+193.58=385.25
#9 500870 191.33+193.59=384.92
#10 500898(A) 191.42+192.83=384.25
#11 500902 192.83+191.34=384.17
#12 500896 190.75+192.83=383.58
#13 500252/253 duet 189.83+193.67=383.50
#14 500883 190.92+191.25=382.17
#15 500900 190.25+191.42=381.67
#16 500860 190.09+190.92=381.01
#17 500863 187.42+193.33=380.75
#18 500877 189.09+191.42=380.51
#19 500912 190.17+190.17=380.34
#20 500248 186.92+191.42=378.34
#21 500835 186.42+190.67=377.09
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for all final round of the videos for Instrument category
#7 Singing category: Final ranking results from two rounds are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 500882 196.92+197.84=394.76
#2 500880 195.58+196.17=391.75
#3 500838 195.42+195.75=391.17
#4 500891 193.67+196.00=389.67
#5 500899 194.09+194.42=388.51
#6 500870 190.92+195.92=386.84
#7 500878(A) 194.50+191.25=385.75
#8 500246 192.08+193.33=385.41
#9 500886 193.25+191.83=385.08
#10 500245 191.50+192.84=384.34
#11 500845 192.75+191.00=383.75
#12 500867 188.83+192.83=381.66
#13 500842 189.00+192.59=381.59
#14 500877 187.67+191.84=379.51
#15 500908(A) 190.34+189.00=379.34
#16 500876 186.09+189.42=375.51
#17 500255 183.34+188.50=371.84
#18 500895 185.92+185.58=371.50
#19 500896 184.42+186.83=371.25
#20 500568(A) 183.25+186.42=369.67
#21 500875 181.42+186.50=367.92
#22 500866 186.42+179.84=366.26
#23 500910 181.83+182.67=364.50
#24 500888(A) 181.42+179.17=360.59
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for all final round of the videos for Singing category
#8 On-Camera Host category: Final ranking results from two rounds are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 500850 196.50+195.34=391.84
#2 500891 196.00+195.50=391.50
#3 500867 195.84+195.50=391.34
#4 500838 195.50+195.34=390.84
#5 500842 196.17+192.84=389.01
#6 500863 193.00+195.17=388.17
#7 500860 193.50+194.00=387.50
#8 500858 194.67+192.17=386.84
#9 500877 193.34+193.17=386.51
#10 500870 193.67+192.67=386.34
#11 500875 192.00+194.00=386.00
#12 500248 193.50+192.17=385.67
#13 500853 190.67+189.34=380.01
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for final round of the highlight video for On-Camera Host category
#9 Acting category: Final ranking results from two rounds are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Score (400 is the max)
#1 500850 195.08+195.79=390.87
#2 500895 193.83+194.13=387.96
#3 500867 195.17+191.21=386.38
#4 500896 194.17+191.67=385.84
#5 500838 194.04+191.38=385.42
#6 500886 194.83+190.13=384.96
#7 500891 190.88+192.79=383.67
#8 500842 192.67+190.96=383.63
#9 500870 192.42+190.38=382.80
#10 500246 191.00+191.54=382.54
#11 500913(A) 192.08+189.58=381.66
#12 500877 189.17+191.29=380.46
#13 500248 188.50+190.71=379.21
#14 500863 188.42+190.54=378.96
#15 500860 189.17+188.33=377.50
#16 500898(A) 186.25+188.88=375.13
#17 500835 187.08+180.04=367.12
#18 500853 184.83+179.83=363.66
#19 500888(A) 180.17+183.17=363.34
#20 500866 184.00+176.67=360.67
Please visit c3n.3ee.myftpupload.com for final round of the highlight video for Acting category
#10 Multi-Talents category: Final ranking results from two rounds are as follows:
Ranking: Contestant ID# Categories Score
#1 500838 9 627.41
#2 500867 6 537.25
#3 500860 6 533.46
#4 500870 6 533.07
#5 500835 6 526.85
#6 500853 6 526.79
#7 500877 5 499.98
#8 500891 4 476.88
#9 500842 4 475.43
#10 500895 4 472.93
#11 500896 4 472.00
#12 500863 4 469.94
#13 500888(A) 4 463.36
#14 500866 4 456.36
#15 500850 3 450.46
#16 500886 3 447.96
#17 500246 3 446.09
#18 500248 3 441.07
#19 500858 2 415.93
#20 500883 2 415.71
#21 500845 2 415.05
#22 500898(A) 2 409.69
#23 500875 2 406.96
#24 500910 2 405.30